Job seekers, companies and recruiters, receive better services with online job agency
Released on = April 28, 2007, 9:18 pm
Press Release Author =
Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = Online Job Agency,, facilitates and provides more accurate matches between job seekers and company requirements.
Press Release Body = Apr 30, 2007 - ( wants to offer better outcomes for companies seeking new employees and for job seekers looking for new career opportunities., launched last Christmas, is a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) "online job agency" that matches companies with job seekers and operates for the Australian and United States of America markets.
The site offers two options. One is completely FREE of charge while the other relies on the use of detailed skills matrix to provide additional skills filters and costs AUD$27.50 / US$23.00.
Genuinely FREE and Privacy Ensured
The FREE option is genuinely free. Many sites offer candidates CV searches then charge the advertisers to retrieve the contact details. The way works is to provide a framework for two willing parties to exchange contact details.
For instance, once an advertisement matches a job seeker search criteria, the job seeker will receive an email providing the advertisement description, this advertisement description will not contain the advertiser's contact details. Should the job seeker wish to apply, it will trigger an email message back to the advertiser with a link to view the job seeker's profile. The job seeker's profile will not contain his/her contact details either. If the advertiser decides to contact the job seeker, he/she will shortlist the particular job seeker - this will trigger an email message back to the job seeker with the advertiser contact details and the job seeker will initiate the communication.
Detailed Skills Matrix and Shorter Recruitment Cycles
The Skills Matrix of focuses on the Procurement, Supply Chain, Marketing, Finance, and Administration management functions. The Skills Matrix covers four main categories that both Advertising Companies and Job Seekers must complete. Those are People Skills, Technical Skills, Technology Skills, and IndustrySkills. The additional value add is that advertising company actually receive application from job seekers in ranking order based on the job skills requirements.
For instance, Advertising Companies will receive a sorted listing of job seekers based on skills match. Job seeker ABC meeting the job requirements by 83% while job seeker XYZ skills only matching the job requirements by 37% - therefore providing a much better approach to matching job seekers with internal Company job requirements and therefore speeding the recruitment cycle and providing both parties with the right levels of expectation. Why In simple terms a company provide a service/product to a market to generate a sale. That service/product goes through numerous departmental touch points (R&D, marketing, sales, procurement, finance...) with each touch point contributing to revenue or cost through:
- Business processes (across departments) - People^ (with different skills) - Technologies (to satisfy specific functional requirements)
^The people aspect is the most important asset to a company. People can bring a company forward without business process or technology, but business processes add nothing without people skills. People can also bring a company to a stand still or bring it backward without the proper skills to perform a function. People have existing skills and acquire new skills. They work with other people\'s skills to deliver value to a process, and they may do so with or without the support of technology. Through its Skills Matrix, aims to assist companies define their internal skills requirements of a job function that will add value to the other team members, to its department, and to the company as a whole. Parallel to this, a Job Seeker will also complete the same Skills Matrix to pinpoint their areas of strength. Our system will best match the job with the job seeker. This approach dramatically reduces the recruitment cycle and employee turnover, and minimise job dissatisfaction down the road.
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Contact Details = Public Relations +61 (0)2 8011 3670
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